Rave Reviews

“Hands down, the best thing I did for myself and my family!  Christie really focuses on function so that when you declutter your space, it stays that way and works to your advantage.  She masterfully guides you through the decision making process of filtering items.  You will feel lighter, more efficient and effective each step of the way.  I absolutely recommend her service to everyone!”

Kelli, Age 39, Nutritional Consultant, wife and mother of two children

“It was a great experience and Christie is creative.  She made it fun and it has been easier for me to keep my craft room shelves clean.  Thank you Christie.”

Addy, Age 12, Student

“Christie has been a tremendous help to me.  Her cheerful, patient, and low-pressure attitude were easy to work with and made the experience of de-cluttering (sp??) and organizing so much better.  When I open a cabinet or closet door and see the clean, organized, less-cluttered space I literally feel my chest lighten – I didn’t realize the stress clutter caused until it was gone.  My home is so much more functional and stream-lined and is easier to keep clean.  I am so very thankful and grateful to have had Christie’s help!!”


“I was lucky enough to meet Christie at a book swap and learn about her organizational services.   I say “lucky” because the improvements Christie made to my home have been superb.  We started with an area I rarely (but desperately) needed to use…my kitchen!  It was crowded, cluttered, and downright intimidating.   Christie coached me on reorganizing the space to use the items I needed, throw out the ones I didn’t, and create purpose.   Next we tackled my bedroom closet.   To sum it up, getting dressed is a joy once you can actually find your clothes by location, type, color, and know that each item fits and is ready to wear.  Christie is motivating while patient, suggestive while democratic, and most importantly makes the experience inspiring and enjoyable.  I’m looking forward to working with her on the rest of the house.  Hall closet, here we come!”


“Christie Silverstein brought a silver lining to a dark space in my life. Being a psychotherapist I know the psychology around not being able to let go of stuff, however, as the saying in our field goes, “Every therapist needs a therapist.” This speaks to ones inability to get outside ones-self. Christie brought a calm, clear presence to my process of letting go that I was unable to bring to myself because I’m too close to my stuff; literally and figuratively.

While cleaning out my closet is something I enjoy doing on a regular basis, Christie helped me let go of those things that I was holding onto out of fear. Through her insightful questions, she helped me realize my fearful attachment to certain items that have survived many purges. She also helped me reason through keeping certain things with helpful suggestions [such as relocating a certain item to see if it gets more use in its new location.]  She was patient in listening to the story behind certain items that “I just can’t part with” and her non-judgmental spirit was one of the main reasons I knew I could trust her with such a private aspect of my life. She led me to releasing the things cluttering my inner peace by empowering me to make the decision. She didn’t force me to get rid of anything I wasn’t ready to shed. Instead, she gently helped me come to my own decision of letting go. Now I feel lighter and I’ve been able to take the things she taught me and continue my purging. As I tell my clients, keeping your inner space de-cluttered and in order allows you to function optimally by knowing where things are inside making it easier to live life with intention. Living with intention then lets you prioritize both your inner thought life and exterior life.”


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